Friday, August 10, 2012

Today is a good day!!!

Guess what we did today...???
Oh, Ok... I will tell you... We mailed all 65 (or so) pages documenting our lives off to Uganda!! The nice folks at FedEx said the package should be there by this Tuesday (which I think is warp speed coming from someone who has mailed packages to Afghanistan, Kuwait and Sudan... of course, I didn't pay for those what I paid today... but still...) :-)
So... we no longer have any control over how the process will continue (not that we had much control to begin with...) but it's that feeling when you know you have done everything that was asked of you and now the rest will be by divine appointment. So, the next step is to (patiently) wait for a call about the boys God has ordained to be part of our family! So exciting!!!
In the mean time we are continuing to raise funds for our trip and stay in Uganda (so we can pick the boys up!)
We are still sewing and selling giraffes - learn more about that here and here.
We are also selling t-shirts now... the pictures are not the best, they are from my cell phone, taken by a 6 yr old after a long day at the pool... that's just how it goes... you get the gist! :-)
They read: Uganda - 2.5 Million - Minus Two "I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." John 14:18
If you are interested in purchasing... the adults shirts are grey and are $12 - the kid shirts are baby blue and are $10 (if you need it shipped please add $4, Thank you.) We have sm, med, and lrg in adult sizes and xs (which my girls wear) sm, and med in kid sizes. I will let you know when we sell out and have to order more!
(We are currently out of Adult Small t-shirts, but we are taking pre-orders for smalls and XL, or any other size you desire!) :-)

If you would like to learn more about other fundraising options please see the page above, and as always feel free to contact us through the blog, facebook, or email (juliebadams9204(at)gmail(dot)com)

Thank you so much for your support - we are so blessed to be walking this journey with so much love and encouragement around us

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