
We have a few fundraising options happening at the moment, please contact us if you feel lead to help support our adoption process in any of the following ways...

1) Becoming a Piece of our Puzzle - click on the link to read about how you can support our journey for only $5 and become a permanent part of our sons' room! :-)

2) Buy a giraffe for yourself and send one to an orphan in Uganda at the same time! Read about it here and here.

3) We have designed a t-shirt unique to our story and are selling them for $12 for adults and $10 for kids. If you need it shipped, it will be an extra $4. (Kid shirts are baby blue - see this post for a picture)

4) If you are local, we invite you to our "Minus Two" Garage Sale on September 14 and 15, 2012, and of course if you have items you are willing to donate to the cause, we would be so appreciative! :-)

Stay tuned as more opportunities come up as we're now raising money for our flights and stay in Uganda!

Thank You again for being willing to come along side us on this journey! We are humbled and incredibly grateful!